Heading to a salon for a hair treatment of any kind is exciting. You will be in the hands of a professional who can help transform your overall look. There are many people who leave the salon almost unrecognisable, in a good way, simply because of how well the hairdresser did their job. Sadly, though, things can go wrong. Instead of getting the results you wanted, the opposite happens.
There are many possible nightmare scenarios: the hair dye used might not be the exact colour you chose, or the chemicals used might have damaged your hair. Hairdressing is an unregulated profession. Anyone can do the job, but not everyone is competent enough to do it right.
For instance, if your hair is going to be dyed, your hairdresser should carry out a hair strand test, prior to the actual procedure. This allows them to test whether the dye to be used is safe or not. If this process was not followed and an unwanted result happened, you have the right to claim for hair damage compensation.
Aside from incompetence, hairdressers could also mess things up because they were not fully focused when doing the job. Maybe they were busy talking to another person. Or, even without proper training, they were assigned to handle your hair. This strengthens your case. However, hair damage claims are best handled by an experienced lawyer.
Fight for your right
When you entered the salon, you were expecting the best possible service. You were willing to pay the right amount because you believed that they were capable of doing the job. If they have failed, you can easily file a claim for compensation. Don’t worry about the legal fees. There are firms that are willing to help you. You only have to pay them if you win the case, and it ends with a fair settlement.
Keep the evidence
Just make sure you collect the evidence of what happened. Take photos. If you have recorded videos of the incident, you can use them too. Anything that you can gather to prove that you were wronged will help your claim a lot.
Again, this is not an easy process and it won’t guarantee success. But by having a qualified lawyer by your side, at least you will feel more confident. You know that someone will be there to get you through the process. Being a victim of hair damage is already traumatic enough. Going through a serious legal battle could be even worse.
Don’t hesitate in asking for help from a qualified lawyer for this case or for compensation for burns. Just be consistent with your story and follow what your lawyer tells you to do.
Image: freedigitalphotos.net (imagerymajestic)