
Top 6 Things You Need to Know About Laser Skin Resurfacing

You should be aware of a few things before deciding whether or not to go with laser skin resurfacing, regardless of how long you’ve been researching the process. These pointers will aid in your preparation for the procedure and understanding what to anticipate afterward.


Whether you are undergoing CO2 laser treatment for cosmetic reasons or to correct a skin issue, preparation is very important. Preparation will increase the likelihood of acceptable results and decrease the recovery time.

It is essential to avoid certain products and supplements for two weeks before and after the procedure. It is also important to avoid smoking and blood-thinning medications.

You will need to limit your sun exposure as well. This will prevent your skin from being exposed to harmful UV radiation. You can also use zinc oxide sunscreen to protect your skin from damage. It would help if you also avoided tanning or picking at flaking skin.

You will need to wear a hat for protection. You should also avoid putting cosmetics on your skin for a few days after the procedure. Using cosmetics may irritate your skin and increase the amount of swelling and redness.

Recovery Time

Depending on your skin type, the recovery time after laser skin resurfacing can be short or long. Several factors affect the recovery time, including the type of laser used and the depth of the treatment.

The recovery time after laser skin resurfacing is generally shorter than a traditional facelift. Depending on the depth of the treatment, the recovery time can range from a few days to a month. Two main processes take place after laser treatment: new skin cell turnover and collagen growth. These processes may be the most important to you.

You will likely notice a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin may also be smoother and more even in color. A light exercise regimen can be resumed after a week.

Safety for All Skin Types

During laser skin resurfacing, your skin will be treated in a pattern that creates a layer of new skin. This new skin will be pink for two to three months before it begins to fade.

You should protect your skin during the healing process with sunscreen. This sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 30. In addition, avoid wearing oil-based makeup during the healing process. You may also need an anti-bacterial cream or antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections.

During laser skin resurfacing, milia, tiny white bumps, may appear. They are temporary and can be removed by a doctor or washcloth. However, if milia persist, you may need to use a bleaching agent.

It is essential to disclose all medical histories and medications to your doctor. You should also be aware of your past and current sun exposure.

Preventing Herpes Simplex Cold Sores

Keeping your herpes simplex virus at bay can help prevent cold sores. Cold sores are excruciating, and they can also be very contagious. These blisters often appear around the mouth but can also affect other body parts.

The herpes simplex virus is transmitted through touch or saliva. It can also be transmitted when you share utensils, drink containers, or kiss another person. It is usually transmitted in the same place, though it can also occur anywhere.

Cold sores can occur on the lips, nipples, or genitals. You can get them from herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) or herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2). It is highly contagious, and you will likely pass the virus to others if you have a sore.

Sun Protection after Laser Skin Resurfacing.

Using sunscreen after laser skin resurfacing is the best way to protect the area you’ve had treated. Sun damage can leave long-term pigmentation problems.

Depending on the type of procedure you have had, you may need to take extra precautions. For example, you may need to refrain from strenuous exercise for a few days. You may also need to avoid the sun for a few weeks.

The best sunscreen is one that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, it’s critical to reapply sunscreen frequently. You should also dress safely by donning a hat and covering up.

The sunscreen you choose should be high-SPF. It would help if you also used a light moisturizer. This will help your skin recover faster and prevent scabbing.

After laser skin resurfacing, you should keep your skin protected from the sun for a few weeks. You may be tempted to go to the beach without sunscreen, but there are better ideas than that.