Wing Standard Horse Jump

How to Make a Wing Standard Horse Jump

What’s the difference? Wing standards don’t spread, unlike the other two types of horse jumps. Instead, they are vertically built with rails placed directly on each other. Wing-standard horse jumps are more complicated than standard ones, but they are famous for competitive riders.

Build a wing standard horse jump

There are many different types of equestrian jumps. You can make a schooling jump standard for your horse with just a crossbar, two vertical beams, and feet to support the vertical beams. Making one for your horse is inexpensive and practical, and it should only take one afternoon to complete.

First, decide what type of fence you want to build. A vertical fence is the most common type of fence. It consists of a vertical bar along the top. Sometimes, the vertical fence is topped with a single-pole that serves as the ground line. The other type of fence is called a spread fence. It is characterized by two or more pairs of wings, with a good fence between them. This is the most complex type of jump for your horse to master.

After you’ve selected the height of your jump standard, you’ll need to cut two four-by-selecting wood to 20 inches each. Then, use a saw to cut the pieces at each mark. Make sure to miss at least 1/2 inch inside the lines of the vertical posts. Afterward, you’ll need to screw the baseboards into the vertical posts. To do this, you’ll need to use a power drill and a drill bit at least half an inch away from the pole’s edge.

Measure distance between jumps

To set a course for your horse, you must measure the distance between wing standard horse jump. You can construct jump poles or follow an online design. Besides measuring the distance between jumps, you also have to consider the size of the canter stride. The canter stride should not be more significant than the height of verticals or oxers.

Often, beginners only focus on the height of the jumps, but a proper measurement is crucial for both the horse and the rider. While the size of the hops is significant, the distance between the jumps is just as critical. This measurement is helpful in different situations and gives different information to each rider. Some riders measure the distance between jumps by walking the course and counting the strides. For example, the book “Practical Horse” suggests that the strides between jumps should be exactly 3 feet apart. In reality, horses take 12 feet per stride. Therefore, it is not realistic to use this method, as most of us have a shorter stride than horses.

The distance between the fences can vary from 12 feet to 24 feet. The distance between the fences should be a few feet shorter than the height of the fences. This distance should also account for a non-jumping stride between two fences. The distance between two fences should be around 12 feet. This is sufficient for the horse to land over the first fence, take off over the second one and then take another two steps.

Add fills

One of the easiest ways to make showjumping look good is to add fills. These are a variety of materials that can be used as fills. For example, you can purchase plastic barrels that serve as jump wings. These can be filled with sand to help them stay in place. In addition, you can buy barrel jump cups and other supplies to make your showjumps. Just ensure that the barrels are heavy and that you can’t allow them to roll. Other popular fillers include wood pallets, which are also great for creating showjumps. These can be purchased from distribution companies and are broken into sections that can serve as fillers or wings. Before using wood pallets, check for protruding nails or wooden shards that could cause injury.

You can also use a pole in the ground to create a false ground line and wings. This will help guide the horse into and over the jump. This can help you make a more balanced jump that will not cause the horse to trip. For beginners, it’s important to remember that colors can desensitize a horse to competition jumps, so choose your colors carefully.